About AustStab

AustStab was setup in 1995 by specialist stabilising contractors, who wished to raise the awareness of stabilisation in the industry.

The main emphasis was to promote the recycling of pavements, the need was seen due to expertise in stabilisation being in pockets of Australia. The experience of road authorities and contractors were brought together to formulate the latest specifications and design and construction methods. Since AustStab’s inception the industry has gone ahead in leaps and bounds with the introduction of more sophisticated and powerful plant and equipment which has enabled deeplift construction. The binder suppliers have given the industry far more suitable binders with resultant longer pavement life. Both overseas and local authorities have developed higher quality and longer lasting techniques that have given designers far more options to recycle pavements with less lane downtime at costs often half of conventional construction methods.

AustStab continues to offer collaboration with all state road agencies and many councils. This includes formulation of specifications, running courses throughout the country as well as publishing the latest information on stabilisation.

AustStab is working with road authorities to develop an Australia wide accreditation system to ensure that high quality is maintained.

About AustStab Brochure

AustStab Organisational Chart

AustStab Council

Left to Right (back row): Stuart Dack (CEO), Warren Smith, David Lansbury, Marica Kelly, Heath Curnow, Brad Brown (Vice President), Daniel Orriss (President),  John Boocock,  Tanja Conners (CEO)

Left to Right (front row): Stewart Geeves, Craig Pinson, Simon Abrahams, Chris Lunson

Absent: David Scicluna, Sebastien Chatard, Allen Browne, Tony Egan, Peter Metcalfe

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